Taming the Man Cave
Man Up The Man Cave!
I am not posting this to bash any designer, their ideas or their perception of typical. I am posting this to open up the possibilities for designers (and clients) to new, exciting, different and off the path of straight and narrow. Blending color, curves, provocative themes and doubling a man cave with a VIP lounge of sorts is quite the trend these days.
They settled on a favorite few sports, bar themes or racing genre to get started. What they came up with was a cross between a garage and football team. It was to be dubbed the "first down garage". So as a few weeks went by the guys started showing up one by one. First Joe, a big football fan, then Darrell, also a football fan but a gear head also. They showed drank a beer, casually and quietly commenting on how interesting the new look was. After a good quick beer and maybe 1 quarter of a football game, the boldly departed and sadly not returning to Frank's man cave again that year.
Whats a bad ass guy to do. He likes entertaining, and makes sure the beer fridge is fully stocked all the time. Bust out of the bro-tesque and strap on some full contact Bro-manly Bad Ass!
As a designer you can help guys like "Frank" join and elite club of edgy man cave owners that border on the Bro-found, push the boundaries of the double fist back Bro-tap and Saturday night
Bro-mances. Help your clients man cave become nothing but bro-tasticly bro-dacious. Even the wives, girl friends and mothers will drop a jaw and feel frisky when they get a big-boy dose of awesome Bro-tivity.
Allow the "Frank's" of the country become Bro-dundantly Bro-lific in their own man cave. Boldly going where no Bro's have ventured before. Suddenly the decision is Bro-nanimous! They will scream touchdown, bad call and engage in chugging chants to become "Bro-man" of the town.
Check the attitude and shy demeanor at the door. Create your Bro-niche!
Check the man cave designs now!
Be Bro-life and share this would ya!
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