
Are You VIP?

The time is now!  The holidays are over and its time to refresh your VIP spaces.  Don’t struggle with it, just do it, because after all if you’re VIP then you need extraordinary style and presence to get the VIPs there. One of the best ways to get VIPs coming back is to offer an atmosphere that makes them feel, well...VIP.  There is no easier way than to fill the VIP spaces with gorgeous art.  I’m not talking about pretty framed black and white photos of geometric shapes or snow filled trails to the cabin.   We’re talking provocative, jump off the walls art that creates mood, conversations and energy in the room. Let’s be honest, if you don’t care much about what is hanging in your VIP Lounge, club, space, then you need to re-look your VIP mojo.  I mean, come on, if you have people dancing, partying and having the best time what they need is a place to create that ultimate experience, and that ultimate feeling to come back.  It’s ...

The Inspired Collection

"The Sipper" by Greg Sharpe Some pieces are just enough to charge up the room, while others are setting the roof on fire.  It’s amazing what a little creative energy will do hanging on the walls. “You should update your art collection”.  That was the comment I got from frequent collectors of my work.  I went to a party after party and even attended some social events and was disappointed to see the lack of art.  I mean serious conversation starting, jump off the walls talking art! I set out to create a unique collection that was inspired by the combination of photos, textures, color and style to create something that would talk to you from the wall.    The Inspired Collection is a merging of old and new styles while incorporating energy, feeling, and emotion.  That is what I found lacking at every place I went.    Over the course of a few months I had friends, colleagues and their friends hanging the art at their homes, bus...

High Rise Attitude

Economically speaking, you've already spent a fortune on that high rise apartment or loft space.  It would be a smashing success to finish out the interior space walls with some retro art. These days certain types of art is just what a fast paced, urban concrete, city centered living space needs.  It provides that panache, with boosting exhilaration. Specifically designed for apartment walls, open spaces and city apartments I've created designs that, when displayed properly, will complete your home in such a way that you will be the envy of the block. Introducing my "design d'intérieur vivifiant". The latest in splashy canvas prints to bump your creds to the max. Pick them up here:   "If its not different then everyone already has it".  

On the Outer Banks of Hustle and Bustle

Not long ago I took a trip to the Smokey Mountains in hopes of a new adventure. I spent a few days in and around the main street that runs past the city shops, restaurants and attractions. As I walked the sidewalks I kept wondering what else there was here besides hustle and bustle. I wanted to see the wilderness that so tightly wrapped this beautiful area.  I started very early one morning and decided to drive to outer banks of the main city street to see where it would take me. As I drove I started seeing that the city and county had taken measures for the “out of Towner’s. If you know your way around its not a problem, but this tourist location had its limits for directional signs. I mean, you had signs up to a point, but then there were no more signs, and they essentially disappeared.  I tried using maps on the Internet, but they are only for main roads, and the satellite views could be years old. The only way to do this was the old fashioned way, get out and actua...
Things Change When You Get Down Low Enough... Recently I've been obsessed with creating perspectives in my photos that are very unique and different.  Actually getting those perspectives takes an eye for the creative, visualizing a perspective and then getting in position to get what you want.  Over time I have tried to continuously challenge myself, not with the technical, but to challenge myself with the creative.  Like using a fill flash to correctly light a subject is too "technical" for me, and I've faced the reality along time ago, I am technically challenged.  So what I do is work with available light and try to create a uniquely appealing, yet different image, with different perspective.   Sometimes, I must admit, they turn out all wrong, bizarre, or just plain. I am learning that if you can get a perspective that, just by walking by an object, you don't and in many cases, can't see, then that is what I am after.   I don't do this on...
In focus, the middle and the back... Sitting atop a fence post appears this painted, rusted, weathered form in wrought iron.  I stood back and took a few snaps, only to find it was just okay, but not amazing.  So I started looking through the lens at different focal lengths and soon began to see other aspect of this composition.  First you see whats in front of you in immediate focus.  Then as you move through the image, you see aspect of figures in the middle and then finally you see beautiful bokeh in the back.   Although many famous photographers didn't do much of this back in the day, mainly because of the lenses used, but I am sure that some dabbled with double, triple exposures to attempt to create what they were seeing.  I am so fortunate to be able to have learned from other great photographers, some on G+, and some on blogs to follow pieces of what they do and incorporate it into my work.  So when you take a picture look from th...