Things Change When You Get Down Low Enough...

Recently I've been obsessed with creating perspectives in my photos that are very unique and different.  Actually getting those perspectives takes an eye for the creative, visualizing a perspective and then getting in position to get what you want. 

Over time I have tried to continuously challenge myself, not with the technical, but to challenge myself with the creative.  Like using a fill flash to correctly light a subject is too "technical" for me, and I've faced the reality along time ago, I am technically challenged.  So what I do is work with available light and try to create a uniquely appealing, yet different image, with different perspective.  

Sometimes, I must admit, they turn out all wrong, bizarre, or just plain. I am learning that if you can get a perspective that, just by walking by an object, you don't and in many cases, can't see, then that is what I am after.  

I don't do this on every single photo I take, just some that spark my interest enough to make me go ape over getting a specific perspective.  Sometimes just getting low enough can result in something wonderful, even after I've passed it a bazillion times. 

So get low, get sideways, and get that weird perspective, and see what happens.  If nothing else you'll have better balance and when you fall you can always say you were gaining that ultimate perspective.  Ha!  Enjoy, and break into small groups to discuss. 


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